Minnesota Scottish Fair & Highland Games

Thank you to all the members who came out to volunteer at our booth, and to march in the Parade of Clans. It was a beautiful day – we gave out homemade shortbread, buttons and magnets. Several new members signed up, and we even ran out of brochures!

Two small dogs wearing their Scottish tartans
Two of our canine members enjoying the day at the Minnesota Scottish Fair and Highland Games


Scottish flags flying at the Minnesota Scottish Fair & Highland Games
Scottish flags at the Minnesota Scottish Fair & Highland Games


Two people carrying Scottish flags in a parade
President Brooke Kenney and Past President Katie Shilts carrying the Scottish flags in the Scottish flags at the Minnesota Scottish Fair & Highland Games


Members proud to carry the banner in the Parade of Clans


Woman in t-shirt bearing Scottish Club logo, carrying Scottish Flag
Past President Katie Shilts carrying the flag of Scotland, wearing her TCSC Pride! 

(By the way, you can purchase cool logo gear like Katie’s wearing, using the link on this site.)

TCSC Yard Sale

TCSC had a yard sale on Saturday October 3rd. Thank you to Mary Johnston for hosting and thank you Jim and Mary for your hard work. The sale was a big success, earning money for the club and clearing out our storage unit! Those who came to the sale found some real bargains!




Whist Night Too!

TCSC Whist Night Too!
Sept 11th 6:30 social 7:15 start the games
Thank you to Cheri and Andy McCracken for hosting this fun event!

Curling with TCSC

TCSC Curling

TSCS Curling night. Great fun. We had a 30 min class then some lessons on the ice. Then we played a few sides and had dinner and drinks in the attached pub.

Curling is a sport invented in Medieval Scotland where stones are slid across the ice towards a target area which is separated into 4 concentric circles. Two sweepers influence the path of the stone by changing the state of the ice in front of it with brooms. (wiki- pedia)