The January Newsletter is now available for members!
Last-minute Burns Night info, Scottish Club Updates, Kilt Krash Events, Renewal Time (Still) and more!

The January Newsletter is now available for members!
Last-minute Burns Night info, Scottish Club Updates, Kilt Krash Events, Renewal Time (Still) and more!
You are invited to the TCSC Family Christmas Party on December 3, 2022 from 11am to 2pm at a new location — Lynnhurst Church, 4501 Colfax Avenue South, Minneapolis.
You’ll be greeted by piper Andrew Lewis, plus there’ll be music by Warren Porter & Sarah Thompson, dance by Allie Schmitz Lewis and MSCDA students. And, then a visit from Santa.
Plus, we’ll be awarding a Lifetime Membership Award to one of our long-time members.
RSVP on or before November 25 to
A potluck lunch will be served. Members with last names beginning with A-L bring a sweet and those beginning with M-Z, a savory treat. TCSC will supply tea, coffee and shortbread.
Parents of children attending are asked to bring a wrapped and clearly marked present, valued at $25 or less, for their child. (We will have a discreet drop off, so the kids won’t see what’s going on.)
Drawing for a Harry Potter Holiday Surprise Gift for kids. Ages 5 to 15. Must be present to win.
The November newsletter is available to members! Join the Club to receive monthly newsletters. Also, it’s time for annual membership renewals for our existing members. You may join using Paypal or postal mail.
And don’t miss the Macalester College Pipe Band Concert on November 19 2022!
The Twin Cities Scottish Club April newsletter is available! To receive your copy, become a member.